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package sqlx
import (
const namespace = "mysql_client"
var (
metricReqDur = metric.NewHistogramVec(&metric.HistogramVecOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: "requests",
Name: "duration_ms",
Help: "mysql client requests duration(ms).",
Labels: []string{"command"},
Buckets: []float64{0.25, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 15000},
metricReqErr = metric.NewCounterVec(&metric.CounterVecOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: "requests",
Name: "error_total",
Help: "mysql client requests error count.",
Labels: []string{"command", "error"},
metricSlowCount = metric.NewCounterVec(&metric.CounterVecOpts{
Namespace: namespace,
Subsystem: "requests",
Name: "slow_total",
Help: "mysql client requests slow count.",
Labels: []string{"command"},
connLabels = []string{"db_name", "hash"}
connCollector = newCollector()
_ prometheus.Collector = (*collector)(nil)
type (
statGetter struct {
dbName string
hash string
poolStats func() sql.DBStats
// collector collects statistics from a redis client.
// It implements the prometheus.Collector interface.
collector struct {
maxOpenConnections *prometheus.Desc
openConnections *prometheus.Desc
inUseConnections *prometheus.Desc
idleConnections *prometheus.Desc
waitCount *prometheus.Desc
waitDuration *prometheus.Desc
maxIdleClosed *prometheus.Desc
maxIdleTimeClosed *prometheus.Desc
maxLifetimeClosed *prometheus.Desc
clients []*statGetter
lock sync.Mutex
func newCollector() *collector {
c := &collector{
maxOpenConnections: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "max_open_connections"),
"Maximum number of open connections to the database.",
connLabels, nil,
openConnections: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "open_connections"),
"The number of established connections both in use and idle.",
connLabels, nil,
inUseConnections: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "in_use_connections"),
"The number of connections currently in use.",
connLabels, nil,
idleConnections: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "idle_connections"),
"The number of idle connections.",
connLabels, nil,
waitCount: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "wait_count_total"),
"The total number of connections waited for.",
connLabels, nil,
waitDuration: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "wait_duration_seconds_total"),
"The total time blocked waiting for a new connection.",
connLabels, nil,
maxIdleClosed: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "max_idle_closed_total"),
"The total number of connections closed due to SetMaxIdleConns.",
connLabels, nil,
maxIdleTimeClosed: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "max_idle_time_closed_total"),
"The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxIdleTime.",
connLabels, nil,
maxLifetimeClosed: prometheus.NewDesc(
prometheus.BuildFQName(namespace, "", "max_lifetime_closed_total"),
"The total number of connections closed due to SetConnMaxLifetime.",
connLabels, nil,
return c
// Describe implements the prometheus.Collector interface.
func (c *collector) Describe(ch chan<- *prometheus.Desc) {
ch <- c.maxOpenConnections
ch <- c.openConnections
ch <- c.inUseConnections
ch <- c.idleConnections
ch <- c.waitCount
ch <- c.waitDuration
ch <- c.maxIdleClosed
ch <- c.maxLifetimeClosed
ch <- c.maxIdleTimeClosed
// Collect implements the prometheus.Collector interface.
func (c *collector) Collect(ch chan<- prometheus.Metric) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
for _, client := range c.clients {
dbName, hash := client.dbName, client.hash
stats := client.poolStats()
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.maxOpenConnections, prometheus.GaugeValue,
float64(stats.MaxOpenConnections), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.openConnections, prometheus.GaugeValue,
float64(stats.OpenConnections), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.inUseConnections, prometheus.GaugeValue,
float64(stats.InUse), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.idleConnections, prometheus.GaugeValue,
float64(stats.Idle), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.waitCount, prometheus.CounterValue,
float64(stats.WaitCount), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.waitDuration, prometheus.CounterValue,
stats.WaitDuration.Seconds(), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.maxIdleClosed, prometheus.CounterValue,
float64(stats.MaxIdleClosed), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.maxLifetimeClosed, prometheus.CounterValue,
float64(stats.MaxLifetimeClosed), dbName, hash)
ch <- prometheus.MustNewConstMetric(c.maxIdleTimeClosed, prometheus.CounterValue,
float64(stats.MaxIdleTimeClosed), dbName, hash)
func (c *collector) registerClient(client *statGetter) {
defer c.lock.Unlock()
c.clients = append(c.clients, client)