package dartgen import "text/template" var funcMap = template.FuncMap{ "getBaseName": getBaseName, "getPropertyFromMember": getPropertyFromMember, "isDirectType": isDirectType, "isAtomicType": isAtomicType, "isNumberType": isNumberType, "isClassListType": isClassListType, "isAtomicListType": isAtomicListType, "isListItemsNullable": isListItemsNullable, "isNullableType": isNullableType, "appendNullCoalescing": appendNullCoalescing, "appendDefaultEmptyValue": appendDefaultEmptyValue, "getCoreType": getCoreType, "lowCamelCase": lowCamelCase, "normalizeHandlerName": normalizeHandlerName, "hasUrlPathParams": hasUrlPathParams, "extractPositionalParamsFromPath": extractPositionalParamsFromPath, "makeDartRequestUrlPath": makeDartRequestUrlPath, "isMapType": isMapType, } const ( apiFileContent = `import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:convert'; import '../vars/kv.dart'; import '../vars/vars.dart'; /// 发送POST请求. /// /// data:为你要post的结构体,我们会帮你转换成json字符串; /// ok函数:请求成功的时候调用,fail函数:请求失败的时候会调用,eventually函数:无论成功失败都会调用 Future apiPost(String path, dynamic data, {Map header, Function(Map) ok, Function(String) fail, Function eventually}) async { await _apiRequest('POST', path, data, header: header, ok: ok, fail: fail, eventually: eventually); } /// 发送GET请求. /// /// ok函数:请求成功的时候调用,fail函数:请求失败的时候会调用,eventually函数:无论成功失败都会调用 Future apiGet(String path, {Map header, Function(Map) ok, Function(String) fail, Function eventually}) async { await _apiRequest('GET', path, null, header: header, ok: ok, fail: fail, eventually: eventually); } Future _apiRequest(String method, String path, dynamic data, {Map header, Function(Map) ok, Function(String) fail, Function eventually}) async { var tokens = await getTokens(); try { var client = HttpClient(); HttpClientRequest r; if (method == 'POST') { r = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse(serverHost + path)); } else { r = await client.getUrl(Uri.parse(serverHost + path)); } var strData = ''; if (data != null) { strData = jsonEncode(data); } if (method == 'POST') { r.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); r.headers.set('Content-Length', utf8.encode(strData).length); } if (tokens != null) { r.headers.set('Authorization', tokens.accessToken); } if (header != null) { header.forEach((k, v) { r.headers.set(k, v); }); } r.write(strData); var rp = await r.close(); var body = await rp.transform(utf8.decoder).join(); print('${rp.statusCode} - $path'); print('-- request --'); print(strData); print('-- response --'); print('$body \n'); if (rp.statusCode == 404) { if (fail != null) fail('404 not found'); } else { Map base = jsonDecode(body); if (rp.statusCode == 200) { if (base['code'] != 0) { if (fail != null) fail(base['desc']); } else { if (ok != null) ok(base['data']); } } else if (base['code'] != 0) { if (fail != null) fail(base['desc']); } } } catch (e) { if (fail != null) fail(e.toString()); } if (eventually != null) eventually(); } ` apiFileContentV2 = `import 'dart:io'; import 'dart:convert'; import '../vars/kv.dart'; import '../vars/vars.dart'; /// send request with post method /// /// data: any request class that will be converted to json automatically /// ok: is called when request succeeds /// fail: is called when request fails /// eventually: is always called until the nearby functions returns Future apiPost(String path, dynamic data, {Map? header, Function(Map)? ok, Function(String)? fail, Function? eventually}) async { await _apiRequest('POST', path, data, header: header, ok: ok, fail: fail, eventually: eventually); } /// send request with get method /// /// ok: is called when request succeeds /// fail: is called when request fails /// eventually: is always called until the nearby functions returns Future apiGet(String path, {Map? header, Function(Map)? ok, Function(String)? fail, Function? eventually}) async { await _apiRequest('GET', path, null, header: header, ok: ok, fail: fail, eventually: eventually); } Future _apiRequest(String method, String path, dynamic data, {Map? header, Function(Map)? ok, Function(String)? fail, Function? eventually}) async { var tokens = await getTokens(); try { var client = HttpClient(); HttpClientRequest r; if (method == 'POST') { r = await client.postUrl(Uri.parse(serverHost + path)); } else { r = await client.getUrl(Uri.parse(serverHost + path)); } var strData = ''; if (data != null) { strData = jsonEncode(data); } if (method == 'POST') { r.headers.set('Content-Type', 'application/json; charset=utf-8'); r.headers.set('Content-Length', utf8.encode(strData).length); } if (tokens != null) { r.headers.set('Authorization', tokens.accessToken); } if (header != null) { header.forEach((k, v) { r.headers.set(k, v); }); } r.write(strData); var rp = await r.close(); var body = await rp.transform(utf8.decoder).join(); print('${rp.statusCode} - $path'); print('-- request --'); print(strData); print('-- response --'); print('$body \n'); if (rp.statusCode == 404) { if (fail != null) fail('404 not found'); } else { Map base = jsonDecode(body); if (rp.statusCode == 200) { if (base['code'] != 0) { if (fail != null) fail(base['desc']); } else { if (ok != null) ok(base['data']); } } else if (base['code'] != 0) { if (fail != null) fail(base['desc']); } } } catch (e) { if (fail != null) fail(e.toString()); } if (eventually != null) eventually(); }` tokensFileContent = `class Tokens { /// 用于访问的token, 每次请求都必须带在Header里面 final String accessToken; final int accessExpire; /// 用于刷新token final String refreshToken; final int refreshExpire; final int refreshAfter; Tokens( {this.accessToken, this.accessExpire, this.refreshToken, this.refreshExpire, this.refreshAfter}); factory Tokens.fromJson(Map m) { return Tokens( accessToken: m['access_token'], accessExpire: m['access_expire'], refreshToken: m['refresh_token'], refreshExpire: m['refresh_expire'], refreshAfter: m['refresh_after']); } Map toJson() { return { 'access_token': accessToken, 'access_expire': accessExpire, 'refresh_token': refreshToken, 'refresh_expire': refreshExpire, 'refresh_after': refreshAfter, }; } } ` tokensFileContentV2 = `class Tokens { /// 用于访问的token, 每次请求都必须带在Header里面 final String accessToken; final int accessExpire; /// 用于刷新token final String refreshToken; final int refreshExpire; final int refreshAfter; Tokens({ required this.accessToken, required this.accessExpire, required this.refreshToken, required this.refreshExpire, required this.refreshAfter }); factory Tokens.fromJson(Map m) { return Tokens( accessToken: m['access_token'], accessExpire: m['access_expire'], refreshToken: m['refresh_token'], refreshExpire: m['refresh_expire'], refreshAfter: m['refresh_after']); } Map toJson() { return { 'access_token': accessToken, 'access_expire': accessExpire, 'refresh_token': refreshToken, 'refresh_expire': refreshExpire, 'refresh_after': refreshAfter, }; } } ` )