package api import ( "reflect" "" ) // Part 1 // The apiparser_parser.go file was split into multiple files because it // was too large and caused a possible memory overflow during goctl installation. func (s *SyntaxLitContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode { return s.GetToken(ApiParserParserSTRING, 0) } func (s *SyntaxLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext { return s } func (s *SyntaxLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string { return antlr.TreesStringTree(s, ruleNames, recog) } func (s *SyntaxLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) any { switch t := visitor.(type) { case ApiParserVisitor: return t.VisitSyntaxLit(s) default: return t.VisitChildren(s) } } func (p *ApiParserParser) SyntaxLit() (localctx ISyntaxLitContext) { localctx = NewSyntaxLitContext(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), p.GetState()) p.EnterRule(localctx, 4, ApiParserParserRULE_syntaxLit) defer func() { p.ExitRule() }() defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { if v, ok := err.(antlr.RecognitionException); ok { localctx.SetException(v) p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v) p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v) } else { panic(err) } } }() p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) match(p, "syntax") { p.SetState(90) var _m = p.Match(ApiParserParserID) localctx.(*SyntaxLitContext).syntaxToken = _m } { p.SetState(91) var _m = p.Match(ApiParserParserT__0) localctx.(*SyntaxLitContext).assign = _m } checkVersion(p) { p.SetState(93) var _m = p.Match(ApiParserParserSTRING) localctx.(*SyntaxLitContext).version = _m } return localctx } // IImportSpecContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch. type IImportSpecContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsImportSpecContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsImportSpecContext() } type ImportSpecContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext parser antlr.Parser } func NewEmptyImportSpecContext() *ImportSpecContext { var p = new(ImportSpecContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(nil, -1) p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importSpec return p } func (*ImportSpecContext) IsImportSpecContext() {} func NewImportSpecContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ImportSpecContext { var p = new(ImportSpecContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(parent, invokingState) p.parser = parser p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importSpec return p } func (s *ImportSpecContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser { return s.parser } func (s *ImportSpecContext) ImportLit() IImportLitContext { var t = s.GetTypedRuleContext(reflect.TypeOf((*IImportLitContext)(nil)).Elem(), 0) if t == nil { return nil } return t.(IImportLitContext) } func (s *ImportSpecContext) ImportBlock() IImportBlockContext { var t = s.GetTypedRuleContext(reflect.TypeOf((*IImportBlockContext)(nil)).Elem(), 0) if t == nil { return nil } return t.(IImportBlockContext) } func (s *ImportSpecContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext { return s } func (s *ImportSpecContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string { return antlr.TreesStringTree(s, ruleNames, recog) } func (s *ImportSpecContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) any { switch t := visitor.(type) { case ApiParserVisitor: return t.VisitImportSpec(s) default: return t.VisitChildren(s) } } func (p *ApiParserParser) ImportSpec() (localctx IImportSpecContext) { localctx = NewImportSpecContext(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), p.GetState()) p.EnterRule(localctx, 6, ApiParserParserRULE_importSpec) defer func() { p.ExitRule() }() defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { if v, ok := err.(antlr.RecognitionException); ok { localctx.SetException(v) p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v) p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v) } else { panic(err) } } }() p.SetState(97) p.GetErrorHandler().Sync(p) switch p.GetInterpreter().AdaptivePredict(p.GetTokenStream(), 2, p.GetParserRuleContext()) { case 1: p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) { p.SetState(95) p.ImportLit() } case 2: p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, 2) { p.SetState(96) p.ImportBlock() } } return localctx } // IImportLitContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch. type IImportLitContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetImportToken returns the importToken token. GetImportToken() antlr.Token // SetImportToken sets the importToken token. SetImportToken(antlr.Token) // IsImportLitContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsImportLitContext() } type ImportLitContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext parser antlr.Parser importToken antlr.Token } func NewEmptyImportLitContext() *ImportLitContext { var p = new(ImportLitContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(nil, -1) p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importLit return p } func (*ImportLitContext) IsImportLitContext() {} func NewImportLitContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ImportLitContext { var p = new(ImportLitContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(parent, invokingState) p.parser = parser p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importLit return p } func (s *ImportLitContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser { return s.parser } func (s *ImportLitContext) GetImportToken() antlr.Token { return s.importToken } func (s *ImportLitContext) SetImportToken(v antlr.Token) { s.importToken = v } func (s *ImportLitContext) ImportValue() IImportValueContext { var t = s.GetTypedRuleContext(reflect.TypeOf((*IImportValueContext)(nil)).Elem(), 0) if t == nil { return nil } return t.(IImportValueContext) } func (s *ImportLitContext) ID() antlr.TerminalNode { return s.GetToken(ApiParserParserID, 0) } func (s *ImportLitContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext { return s } func (s *ImportLitContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string { return antlr.TreesStringTree(s, ruleNames, recog) } func (s *ImportLitContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) any { switch t := visitor.(type) { case ApiParserVisitor: return t.VisitImportLit(s) default: return t.VisitChildren(s) } } func (p *ApiParserParser) ImportLit() (localctx IImportLitContext) { localctx = NewImportLitContext(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), p.GetState()) p.EnterRule(localctx, 8, ApiParserParserRULE_importLit) defer func() { p.ExitRule() }() defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { if v, ok := err.(antlr.RecognitionException); ok { localctx.SetException(v) p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v) p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v) } else { panic(err) } } }() p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) match(p, "import") { p.SetState(100) var _m = p.Match(ApiParserParserID) localctx.(*ImportLitContext).importToken = _m } { p.SetState(101) p.ImportValue() } return localctx } // IImportBlockContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch. type IImportBlockContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetImportToken returns the importToken token. GetImportToken() antlr.Token // SetImportToken sets the importToken token. SetImportToken(antlr.Token) // IsImportBlockContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsImportBlockContext() } type ImportBlockContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext parser antlr.Parser importToken antlr.Token } func NewEmptyImportBlockContext() *ImportBlockContext { var p = new(ImportBlockContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(nil, -1) p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importBlock return p } func (*ImportBlockContext) IsImportBlockContext() {} func NewImportBlockContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ImportBlockContext { var p = new(ImportBlockContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(parent, invokingState) p.parser = parser p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importBlock return p } func (s *ImportBlockContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser { return s.parser } func (s *ImportBlockContext) GetImportToken() antlr.Token { return s.importToken } func (s *ImportBlockContext) SetImportToken(v antlr.Token) { s.importToken = v } func (s *ImportBlockContext) ID() antlr.TerminalNode { return s.GetToken(ApiParserParserID, 0) } func (s *ImportBlockContext) AllImportBlockValue() []IImportBlockValueContext { var ts = s.GetTypedRuleContexts(reflect.TypeOf((*IImportBlockValueContext)(nil)).Elem()) var tst = make([]IImportBlockValueContext, len(ts)) for i, t := range ts { if t != nil { tst[i] = t.(IImportBlockValueContext) } } return tst } func (s *ImportBlockContext) ImportBlockValue(i int) IImportBlockValueContext { var t = s.GetTypedRuleContext(reflect.TypeOf((*IImportBlockValueContext)(nil)).Elem(), i) if t == nil { return nil } return t.(IImportBlockValueContext) } func (s *ImportBlockContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext { return s } func (s *ImportBlockContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string { return antlr.TreesStringTree(s, ruleNames, recog) } func (s *ImportBlockContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) any { switch t := visitor.(type) { case ApiParserVisitor: return t.VisitImportBlock(s) default: return t.VisitChildren(s) } } func (p *ApiParserParser) ImportBlock() (localctx IImportBlockContext) { localctx = NewImportBlockContext(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), p.GetState()) p.EnterRule(localctx, 10, ApiParserParserRULE_importBlock) var _la int defer func() { p.ExitRule() }() defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { if v, ok := err.(antlr.RecognitionException); ok { localctx.SetException(v) p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v) p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v) } else { panic(err) } } }() p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) match(p, "import") { p.SetState(104) var _m = p.Match(ApiParserParserID) localctx.(*ImportBlockContext).importToken = _m } { p.SetState(105) p.Match(ApiParserParserT__1) } p.SetState(107) p.GetErrorHandler().Sync(p) _la = p.GetTokenStream().LA(1) for ok := true; ok; ok = _la == ApiParserParserSTRING { { p.SetState(106) p.ImportBlockValue() } p.SetState(109) p.GetErrorHandler().Sync(p) _la = p.GetTokenStream().LA(1) } { p.SetState(111) p.Match(ApiParserParserT__2) } return localctx } // IImportBlockValueContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch. type IImportBlockValueContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsImportBlockValueContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsImportBlockValueContext() } type ImportBlockValueContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext parser antlr.Parser } func NewEmptyImportBlockValueContext() *ImportBlockValueContext { var p = new(ImportBlockValueContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(nil, -1) p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importBlockValue return p } func (*ImportBlockValueContext) IsImportBlockValueContext() {} func NewImportBlockValueContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ImportBlockValueContext { var p = new(ImportBlockValueContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(parent, invokingState) p.parser = parser p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importBlockValue return p } func (s *ImportBlockValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser { return s.parser } func (s *ImportBlockValueContext) ImportValue() IImportValueContext { var t = s.GetTypedRuleContext(reflect.TypeOf((*IImportValueContext)(nil)).Elem(), 0) if t == nil { return nil } return t.(IImportValueContext) } func (s *ImportBlockValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext { return s } func (s *ImportBlockValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string { return antlr.TreesStringTree(s, ruleNames, recog) } func (s *ImportBlockValueContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) any { switch t := visitor.(type) { case ApiParserVisitor: return t.VisitImportBlockValue(s) default: return t.VisitChildren(s) } } func (p *ApiParserParser) ImportBlockValue() (localctx IImportBlockValueContext) { localctx = NewImportBlockValueContext(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), p.GetState()) p.EnterRule(localctx, 12, ApiParserParserRULE_importBlockValue) defer func() { p.ExitRule() }() defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { if v, ok := err.(antlr.RecognitionException); ok { localctx.SetException(v) p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v) p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v) } else { panic(err) } } }() p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) { p.SetState(113) p.ImportValue() } return localctx } // IImportValueContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch. type IImportValueContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // IsImportValueContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsImportValueContext() } type ImportValueContext struct { *antlr.BaseParserRuleContext parser antlr.Parser } func NewEmptyImportValueContext() *ImportValueContext { var p = new(ImportValueContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(nil, -1) p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importValue return p } func (*ImportValueContext) IsImportValueContext() {} func NewImportValueContext(parser antlr.Parser, parent antlr.ParserRuleContext, invokingState int) *ImportValueContext { var p = new(ImportValueContext) p.BaseParserRuleContext = antlr.NewBaseParserRuleContext(parent, invokingState) p.parser = parser p.RuleIndex = ApiParserParserRULE_importValue return p } func (s *ImportValueContext) GetParser() antlr.Parser { return s.parser } func (s *ImportValueContext) STRING() antlr.TerminalNode { return s.GetToken(ApiParserParserSTRING, 0) } func (s *ImportValueContext) GetRuleContext() antlr.RuleContext { return s } func (s *ImportValueContext) ToStringTree(ruleNames []string, recog antlr.Recognizer) string { return antlr.TreesStringTree(s, ruleNames, recog) } func (s *ImportValueContext) Accept(visitor antlr.ParseTreeVisitor) any { switch t := visitor.(type) { case ApiParserVisitor: return t.VisitImportValue(s) default: return t.VisitChildren(s) } } func (p *ApiParserParser) ImportValue() (localctx IImportValueContext) { localctx = NewImportValueContext(p, p.GetParserRuleContext(), p.GetState()) p.EnterRule(localctx, 14, ApiParserParserRULE_importValue) defer func() { p.ExitRule() }() defer func() { if err := recover(); err != nil { if v, ok := err.(antlr.RecognitionException); ok { localctx.SetException(v) p.GetErrorHandler().ReportError(p, v) p.GetErrorHandler().Recover(p, v) } else { panic(err) } } }() p.EnterOuterAlt(localctx, 1) checkImportValue(p) { p.SetState(116) p.Match(ApiParserParserSTRING) } return localctx } // IInfoSpecContext is an interface to support dynamic dispatch. type IInfoSpecContext interface { antlr.ParserRuleContext // GetParser returns the parser. GetParser() antlr.Parser // GetInfoToken returns the infoToken token. GetInfoToken() antlr.Token // GetLp returns the lp token. GetLp() antlr.Token // GetRp returns the rp token. GetRp() antlr.Token // SetInfoToken sets the infoToken token. SetInfoToken(antlr.Token) // SetLp sets the lp token. SetLp(antlr.Token) // SetRp sets the rp token. SetRp(antlr.Token) // IsInfoSpecContext differentiates from other interfaces. IsInfoSpecContext() }