#!/bin/bash # generate model with cache from ddl fromDDLWithCache: goctl template clean goctl model mysql ddl -src="./sql/*.sql" -dir="./sql/model/cache" -cache fromDDLWithCacheAndDb: goctl template clean goctl model mysql ddl -src="./sql/*.sql" -dir="./sql/model/cache_db" -database="1gozero" -cache fromDDLWithoutCache: goctl template clean; goctl model mysql ddl -src="./sql/*.sql" -dir="./sql/model/nocache" # generate model with cache from data source user=root password=password datasource= database=gozero fromDataSource: goctl template clean goctl model mysql datasource -url="$(user):$(password)@tcp($(datasource))/$(database)" -table="*" -dir ./model/cache -c -style gozero