* feat: 解决goreportcard的警报
ps: warning: if block ends with a return statement, so drop this else and outdent its block (golint)
* feat: 优化golint警告,将processFieldPrimitiveWithJsonNumber 改成 processFieldPrimitiveWithJSONNumber
unmarshaler.go:248:23: method processFieldPrimitiveWithJsonNumber should be processFieldPrimitiveWithJSONNumber
* feat: 添加 WithCanonicalKeyFunc 注释
* feat: 添加DisableStat的注释
* feat: 添加 RegisterGoctlHome 注释
* feat: 添加 PostgreSqlJoin 注释
* feat: 解决goline警告should not use basic type string as key in context.WithValue问题
* feat: 解决golint警告信息: should not use basic type string as key in context.WithValue
* fix: 定义自定义字段类型,导致go test fail 问题
* update: 恢复原有测试用例
* fix golint warning