package sqlc
import (
// see doc/sql-cache.md
const cacheSafeGapBetweenIndexAndPrimary = time.Second * 5
var (
// ErrNotFound is an alias of sqlx.ErrNotFound.
ErrNotFound = sqlx.ErrNotFound
// can't use one SingleFlight per conn, because multiple conns may share the same cache key.
singleFlights = syncx.NewSingleFlight()
stats = cache.NewStat("sqlc")
type (
// ExecFn defines the sql exec method.
ExecFn func(conn sqlx.SqlConn) (sql.Result, error)
// ExecCtxFn defines the sql exec method.
ExecCtxFn func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn) (sql.Result, error)
// IndexQueryFn defines the query method that based on unique indexes.
IndexQueryFn func(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v any) (any, error)
// IndexQueryCtxFn defines the query method that based on unique indexes.
IndexQueryCtxFn func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v any) (any, error)
// PrimaryQueryFn defines the query method that based on primary keys.
PrimaryQueryFn func(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v, primary any) error
// PrimaryQueryCtxFn defines the query method that based on primary keys.
PrimaryQueryCtxFn func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v, primary any) error
// QueryFn defines the query method.
QueryFn func(conn sqlx.SqlConn, v any) error
// QueryCtxFn defines the query method.
QueryCtxFn func(ctx context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v any) error
// A CachedConn is a DB connection with cache capability.
CachedConn struct {
db sqlx.SqlConn
cache cache.Cache
// NewConn returns a CachedConn with a redis cluster cache.
func NewConn(db sqlx.SqlConn, c cache.CacheConf, opts ...cache.Option) CachedConn {
cc := cache.New(c, singleFlights, stats, sql.ErrNoRows, opts...)
return NewConnWithCache(db, cc)
// NewConnWithCache returns a CachedConn with a custom cache.
func NewConnWithCache(db sqlx.SqlConn, c cache.Cache) CachedConn {
return CachedConn{
db: db,
cache: c,
// NewNodeConn returns a CachedConn with a redis node cache.
func NewNodeConn(db sqlx.SqlConn, rds *redis.Redis, opts ...cache.Option) CachedConn {
c := cache.NewNode(rds, singleFlights, stats, sql.ErrNoRows, opts...)
return NewConnWithCache(db, c)
// DelCache deletes cache with keys.
func (cc CachedConn) DelCache(keys ...string) error {
return cc.DelCacheCtx(context.Background(), keys...)
// DelCacheCtx deletes cache with keys.
func (cc CachedConn) DelCacheCtx(ctx context.Context, keys ...string) error {
return cc.cache.DelCtx(ctx, keys...)
// GetCache unmarshals cache with given key into v.
func (cc CachedConn) GetCache(key string, v any) error {
return cc.GetCacheCtx(context.Background(), key, v)
// GetCacheCtx unmarshals cache with given key into v.
func (cc CachedConn) GetCacheCtx(ctx context.Context, key string, v any) error {
return cc.cache.GetCtx(ctx, key, v)
// Exec runs given exec on given keys, and returns execution result.
func (cc CachedConn) Exec(exec ExecFn, keys ...string) (sql.Result, error) {
execCtx := func(_ context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn) (sql.Result, error) {
return exec(conn)
return cc.ExecCtx(context.Background(), execCtx, keys...)
// ExecCtx runs given exec on given keys, and returns execution result.
func (cc CachedConn) ExecCtx(ctx context.Context, exec ExecCtxFn, keys ...string) (
sql.Result, error) {
res, err := exec(ctx, cc.db)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err := cc.DelCacheCtx(ctx, keys...); err != nil {
return nil, err
return res, nil
// ExecNoCache runs exec with given sql statement, without affecting cache.
func (cc CachedConn) ExecNoCache(q string, args ...any) (sql.Result, error) {
return cc.ExecNoCacheCtx(context.Background(), q, args...)
// ExecNoCacheCtx runs exec with given sql statement, without affecting cache.
func (cc CachedConn) ExecNoCacheCtx(ctx context.Context, q string, args ...any) (
sql.Result, error) {
return cc.db.ExecCtx(ctx, q, args...)
// QueryRow unmarshals into v with given key and query func.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRow(v any, key string, query QueryFn) error {
queryCtx := func(_ context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v any) error {
return query(conn, v)
return cc.QueryRowCtx(context.Background(), v, key, queryCtx)
// QueryRowCtx unmarshals into v with given key and query func.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRowCtx(ctx context.Context, v any, key string, query QueryCtxFn) error {
return cc.cache.TakeCtx(ctx, v, key, func(v any) error {
return query(ctx, cc.db, v)
// QueryRowIndex unmarshals into v with given key.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRowIndex(v any, key string, keyer func(primary any) string,
indexQuery IndexQueryFn, primaryQuery PrimaryQueryFn) error {
indexQueryCtx := func(_ context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v any) (any, error) {
return indexQuery(conn, v)
primaryQueryCtx := func(_ context.Context, conn sqlx.SqlConn, v, primary any) error {
return primaryQuery(conn, v, primary)
return cc.QueryRowIndexCtx(context.Background(), v, key, keyer, indexQueryCtx, primaryQueryCtx)
// QueryRowIndexCtx unmarshals into v with given key.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRowIndexCtx(ctx context.Context, v any, key string,
keyer func(primary any) string, indexQuery IndexQueryCtxFn,
primaryQuery PrimaryQueryCtxFn) error {
var primaryKey any
var found bool
if err := cc.cache.TakeWithExpireCtx(ctx, &primaryKey, key,
func(val any, expire time.Duration) (err error) {
primaryKey, err = indexQuery(ctx, cc.db, v)
if err != nil {
found = true
return cc.cache.SetWithExpireCtx(ctx, keyer(primaryKey), v,
}); err != nil {
return err
if found {
return nil
return cc.cache.TakeCtx(ctx, v, keyer(primaryKey), func(v any) error {
return primaryQuery(ctx, cc.db, v, primaryKey)
// QueryRowNoCache unmarshals into v with given statement.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRowNoCache(v any, q string, args ...any) error {
return cc.QueryRowNoCacheCtx(context.Background(), v, q, args...)
// QueryRowNoCacheCtx unmarshals into v with given statement.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRowNoCacheCtx(ctx context.Context, v any, q string,
args ...any) error {
return cc.db.QueryRowCtx(ctx, v, q, args...)
// QueryRowsNoCache unmarshals into v with given statement.
// It doesn't use cache, because it might cause consistency problem.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRowsNoCache(v any, q string, args ...any) error {
return cc.QueryRowsNoCacheCtx(context.Background(), v, q, args...)
// QueryRowsNoCacheCtx unmarshals into v with given statement.
// It doesn't use cache, because it might cause consistency problem.
func (cc CachedConn) QueryRowsNoCacheCtx(ctx context.Context, v any, q string,
args ...any) error {
return cc.db.QueryRowsCtx(ctx, v, q, args...)
// SetCache sets v into cache with given key.
func (cc CachedConn) SetCache(key string, val any) error {
return cc.SetCacheCtx(context.Background(), key, val)
// SetCacheCtx sets v into cache with given key.
func (cc CachedConn) SetCacheCtx(ctx context.Context, key string, val any) error {
return cc.cache.SetCtx(ctx, key, val)
// SetCacheWithExpire sets v into cache with given key with given expire.
func (cc CachedConn) SetCacheWithExpire(key string, val any, expire time.Duration) error {
return cc.SetCacheWithExpireCtx(context.Background(), key, val, expire)
// SetCacheWithExpireCtx sets v into cache with given key with given expire.
func (cc CachedConn) SetCacheWithExpireCtx(ctx context.Context, key string, val any,
expire time.Duration) error {
return cc.cache.SetWithExpireCtx(ctx, key, val, expire)
// Transact runs given fn in transaction mode.
func (cc CachedConn) Transact(fn func(sqlx.Session) error) error {
fnCtx := func(_ context.Context, session sqlx.Session) error {
return fn(session)
return cc.TransactCtx(context.Background(), fnCtx)
// TransactCtx runs given fn in transaction mode.
func (cc CachedConn) TransactCtx(ctx context.Context, fn func(context.Context, sqlx.Session) error) error {
return cc.db.TransactCtx(ctx, fn)
// WithSession returns a new CachedConn with given session.
// If query from session, the uncommitted data might be returned.
// Don't query for the uncommitted data, you should just use it,
// and don't use the cache for the uncommitted data.
// Not recommend to use cache within transactions due to consistency problem.
func (cc CachedConn) WithSession(session sqlx.Session) CachedConn {
return CachedConn{
db: sqlx.NewSqlConnFromSession(session),
cache: cc.cache,